Phrasal Verb Types

Well done if you knew that there are 4 types of phrasal verb – and don’t worry if you didn’t – most people don’t!

The cards below break down the 4 different types.


Let’s move on to some practice exercises to see how much you understand by identifying the following types. There are 18 questions in total so don’t be concerned if you don’t start off well as there’s plenty of opportunity to build on your knowledge.


It’s important to know that some phrasal verbs can be type 1 and type 4 depending on whether there’s an object:

They sit next to each other at work but they don’t get on. (Type 1)

Stop talking and get on with your work! (Type 4) 


Some can also be type 1 or type 2:

The shop closed down due to poor sales. (Type 1)

They decided to close down the shopclose the shop down due to poor sales. (Type 2)


Now you’ve had a good look at the form of phrasal verbs, let’s now take a look at meaning as well as a number of strategies you can use to understand new ones you come across.

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