Slides with templates containing text. No issues.
The president was confident of election success. His advisers were not so sure, however.
While he might look like a serious man, he is nonetheless / nevertheless very warm and friendly.
I know he’s only a child, but even so, he should know that hitting other children is wrong.
Slides with templates containing text and images. No issues.
The president was confident of election success. His advisers were not so sure, however.
The president was confident of election success. His advisers were not so sure, however.
The president was confident of election success. His advisers were not so sure, however.
Slides with templates containing text, images and H5P shortcodes. Issues with the first shortcode when repeating the loop.
The president was confident of election success. His advisers were not so sure, however.
The president was confident of election success. His advisers were not so sure, however.
The president was confident of election success. His advisers were not so sure, however.
Same with Carousel widget
Same with Reviews widget
Same with Testimonials widget